Wedding 101

8 Ways To Honor Loved Ones Who Can't Attend Your Wedding

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While your wedding is a day for joy and celebration, many of us have had or will have a loved one missing from our special day. Whether you are missing a parent, grandparent, sibling, or dear friend, you may want to honor them in some way at your wedding. Keep in mind how fresh your loss is, if you'd like to honor them publicly or privately, and what the most appropriate way to honor them would be. Here are 8 idea for honoring loved ones who can't attend your wedding.1.  Save them a seat. Use your loved one's hat, boots, or another memento, and place it in a seat of honor.2.  Use something they gave you in your day. There are many ways to incorporate a gift from a loved one. Did your grandfather give you champagne flutes? Toast with them. Get creative and think of ways to work a gift into your special day.3.  Wear something that belonged to them. I carried a hanky wrapped around my bouquet that had my dad's wedding ring and my grandmother's cameo (which she gave to me when I got engaged) stitched to it. That way, I had a piece of my dad and my grandmother with me as I walked down the aisle.4.  Think of them when creating your favors. Bake your grandma's famous cookies and put them on your dessert bar, along with the recipe for guests to take home. Did your father love cigars? Set a box out for guests, along with a photo and sign explaining why you chose this gift.5. Carry a photo of them with you in a locket, on a bouquet, or on a boutonniere.6. If your wedding will be near a body of water, you can lay flowers out to sea in memory of a loved one.7. Display photos of your most important loved ones who have passed away or couldn't attend your wedding.8. Don't want to get fancy? A simple sign or note in your program that mentions missing loved ones sometimes says it all. 
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