Wedding 101

7 Ways to Be the Best Bridesmaid Ever

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We know a thing or two about picking out fabulous florals, finding the stunning (but comfortable) shoes, and selecting a killer venue for every party. So we wanted to share some of the secrets we've learned along the way about how to be the best bridesmaid a girl could ever want. Here are 7 tips to help you secure the MVB award (that's Most Valuable Bridesmaid, Loverlies) like a boss. 1. Practice your dance moves. One of the most important jobs you have as a bridesmaid is to get the party started. As you're getting ready for the day, make sure everyone has a celebratory beverage in hand (oh hey, mimosas). When the reception comes around, make sure you're the first one out on the dance floor once the DJ or band invites guests to get their groove on. So make sure you practice some moves BEFORE the big day so that you can impress everyone by teaching them how to dougie. You do NOT want to end up looking like Elaine: 2. Have a secret stash of deodorant. Even though everyone tells you that weddings are all about the glitz and glamour, it's your job to know that things can get, well, not so pretty. So make sure you have the proper beauty tools on hand for whatever crisis might come up. Stick some Q-tips in your clutch for those happy tears, bobby pins for stray hairs, and definitely make room for some deodorant. After a few hours on the dance floor, you'll be super happy you did. 3. Pack some flats. Sure, those heels look awesome with your dress. But after posing for pictures and running around making sure the bride has her bouquet, vows, and veil, you're going to want to slip into something a little more comfortable. And while going barefoot at the reception may seem like a great idea at the time, it's not super ladylike. Pack some flats in your purse (make sure it's big enough!) and offer to carry a pair for the lady of the hour as well. 4. Make sure you eat breakfast. The wedding day is a lot longer than you think. With everything that's going to happen between getting ready and the after party, you're going to need some serious stamina. So load up on healthy, energy-boosting foods early in the day. Remember that fruit is your friend and when in doubt, grab a whole wheat bagel. 5. Drink lots of water. Booze is amazing until it's not. To make sure you don't get too drunk, make sure you stay hydrated. Start sipping on water religiously at least a week before the wedding so that your body is ready to go on the big day. Not only will you feel better all day long, you'll also look better — goodbye chapped lips! A good general rule of thumb to avoid getting too sloppy drunk at the reception is to drink a glass of water in between every boozy beverage. 6. Don't drink until AFTER your toast. We get that you want to have fun at your bestie's big bash, but remember that being a bridesmaid means you might be called on to do something important. Like help your friend go to the bathroom, escort grandma to the dance floor, or...give a toast. So make sure you're coherent enough to tell a sentimental story about the first time you met the bride from start to finish. Once you're done gushing over the newlyweds, THAT'S when you can let loose and get your drink on. 7. Take TONS of BTS photos throughout the day. The professional photographers will definitely take care of business. There's no denying that. But there are plenty of behind-the-scenes moments that often get overlooked but NEED to be caught on film (or, you know, things that happen before/after the pros arrive/head home). That's where you come in. Because at the end of the day, the bride is going to forget EVERYTHING. So be her eyes and ears — as she's watching that iPhone video of grandma getting down or looking at those getting ready pictures, she'll be so grateful that she asked you to stand by her side. Best Bridesmaid Ever Photo by RP Imagery -- By Claire Aven Read on for more bridesmaid tips: 10 Things You Should Never Say to a Bridesmaid The Basics of Being a Bridesmaid The Busy Bridesmaid’s Guide to Throwing the Best New York City Bachelorette

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