A man in his black suit and plaid bow tie
Wedding 101

Exactly How to Be the BEST Best Man Ever

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There’s simply getting the groom to the church on time...and then there’s the right way to do it. If you are the best man there are some basic things you need to know. So here are 12 tips for being the best man that you can be.

Be a source of inspiration.

If you’re married, share your good-husbanding secrets. If you’re not married, support his plan to be married. Whether it’s emailing him a list of love quotes to rev his vow-writing mojo or sharing your favorite memories of him and his sweetheart when he's feeling stressed, have his back and support his new life as a "we."

Check in with his spouse-to-be.

Want to really know what’s expected of you between now and the big day? Ask his fiance. Chances are, there’s a spreadsheet, checklist, or party-related task that he’s responsible for pulling off or that the two of them could use help with. Volunteering to help will give you two some extra bonding time, and significantly increases the chances that everyone will be calm, cool, and completely relaxed on the wedding day.

Know where things are.

Know where the wedding is taking place. Know where Google Maps is on your phone. Know where the groom’s mom is supposed to sit at the wedding. And know where in the conversation it’s most appropriate to exit using this very simple phrase: “I gotta go check on the groom.”

Prepare a speech...or four.

We hope you're cool with public speaking because you’re going to have to say something. Somewhere between now and the farewell brunch, someone’s going to ask you to wax super duper eloquent or share a meaningful, hilarious, or just silence-breaking anecdote out of your best man hat. This always goes smoother if you’ve considered this fact (and prepared for it) ahead of time. Technically, it’s only your job to just to raise the first non-parental reception toast...but you’re a professional.

Make sure his suit gets to the tailor.

And that it actually gets picked up from the tailor. And also that he’s wearing it when he’s walking down the aisle.

Extra dress socks.

Bring them. Also, you should be wearing them. Bonus points if you bring a clean white dress shirt in case of emergencies.

Plan an awesome bachelor party...and don't make it your mission to get him into trouble.

Make a point to remind the groom of the best aspects of his pre-engaged self. We're going to guess his defining personality traits didn’t include a posse of scantily clad women and law-breaking groomsmen. (And if they did, maybe skip the stroll down memory lane? Because you do still want him to get married when all is said and done?)

Make sure you leave him in good shape for the wedding.

If you can't let your guy get married without a few pre-wedding shenanigans, plan everything well enough in advance so he looks and feels great on the big day. No basketball-jammed swollen ring fingers. No next-day hangovers, sunburns, or black eyes of any kind.

Keep the other groomsmen in line.

It's perfectly common for younger brothers and cousins to not take weddings too seriously...which is why you need to remind them that that's not cool. Cause let's be real: they're going to be the ones who think a hangover on your own wedding day is no big deal.

Dance a lot.

Dance with his mom. Dance with his sister. Dance with his gay brother. Dance with any single, older, or wheelchair-bound ladies that would like to be danced with come reception time. It’s just the right thing to do. (And we’re guessing you love to dance. Because why else would he have chosen you as his best man?)

Plan the post-reception after party.

And by "plan," we mean find a bar and a taxi service that’s still running. No one’s counting on you to roll out to the red carpet—just to find a place that’s open for one more round.

Have fun.

Make friends with the bartenders and wait staff. Take lots of selfies. Be your best self. He thinks you're the best guy for the job for a reason.
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